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Synopsis/Criteria grid/Glossary

The provided synopsis and criteria grid give an impression of similarities and differences of work-life balance and the different aspects that are shaping the preconditions for the work-life balance in Sweden, Germany and United Kingdom. The glossary helps to understand the technical terms in the three languages English, Swedish and German.


This document shows a synopsis of our findings about similarities and differences of work-life balance and gender specific career patterns in Higher Education and research in the three analysed countries at a glance.

Criteria grid

This paper aims to give a first impression of different aspects, shaping the preconditions for the work-life balance and its impacts on gender specific career trajectories in higher education in Sweden, Germany and United Kingdom. It takes up the results of first surveys provided by SULF, GEW and UCU, using a criteria grid, which was developed by the GEW. It tries to figure out the common as well as the differing results.


This glossary on work-life balance and gender in higher education and research should help to understand the different papers. Technical terms like equality or equity, lecturer or work-life balance are translated into Swedish and German.