The GEW – A strong voice for decent Academic Work
What does the GEW stand for at higher education and research institutions? How can you join in? How can you become a member?
Find everything you need in the information flyer – now also in English language.
The GEW is the education union in the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB). It represents your interests at universities and research institutions.
The GEW campaigns for:
- permanent jobs for permanent tasks in higher education and research,
- collective agreements that protect everyone working in academia,
- more basic funding for higher education,
- equal opportunities for all to pursue an academic career,
- effective rights to participation for everyone,
- open access to higher education with efficient grants.
The GEW is your strong voice in academia!
- Take advantage of legal advice, legal protection and professional liability.
- Share the power of solidarity in the GEW community.
- Fight with us for better employment conditions.
- Join us as a member.
The information flyer can be downloaded or ordered in quantities of ten or more from the GEW shop.
OB Hochschule und Forschung
Reifenberger Straße 21
60489 Frankfurt am Main
60489 Frankfurt am Main