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Student Members

Information Flyer Now in English Language

Higher education can be transformed. Together with the German Trade Union for Education and Research (GEW) – an information flyer now translated into English.

Foto: Christian von Polentz

Would you like to experience more solidarity? Better study conditions? A student grant big enough to live off and available to all? 

The GEW is the education trade union within the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB). Our membership is open to students – which is why we are now also offering our information flyer for students in English. We support internationalization in higher education and are committed to better study and working conditions for all. 

The flyer highlights the most important GEW positions on studying, including the demands for higher education institutions to be run on democratic principles, for a genuine reform of the loan and grant system (BAföG) and for improved of working conditions for student assistants through collective agreements (TVStud) and much more. The GEW represents the interests of its members. And we help them to understand and assert their rights by offering advisory brochures, face-to-face advice and legal support. We firmly believe that solidarity is the best way forward for higher education, just as it is anywhere else.

Convince your colleagues of the benefits of joining GEW’s strong community in solidarity – with the new flyer „Let's change higher education together – Students in the GEW”.

The flyer can be downloaded or ordered from the GEW store (minimum quantities of ten copies).


Andrea Vath
OB Hochschule und Forschung
Adresse Reifenberger Straße 21
60489 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon:  069/78973-315